Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Challenge To Our Viewers....

First of all, I want to say thank you to all out there. Matt just showed me yesterday that we have over 17,000 views of our blog already including from countries from all around the world. That is truly humbling and we say thank you from the bottom of our hearts (and Matt's red rump LOL!). We look forward to continue discussing our lives with you however I am ordering you to follow you through a bit more on your end of the bargain. Specifically, we need more feedback in the comments section. I enjoy getting fan mail but I want to see it on the blog so we can have more interactions with our fans. So I am challenging you from now on to be a more active participant. You do not write much, only a few lines if you wish and always, no question is off limits for Matt or myself to answer when it comes to our lifestyle. I even have instructed Matt to leave the comment section for anyone to write in. Now, don't you little sissy boys and girls want to please your Goddess? I thought so! Now get cracking or I tell Matt to withhold posts that he has finished. Yes, I can be that cruel or have you not figured that out yet *wicked smile*. I can tell you this much and I am sure Matt can testify to it. I can be very affectionate when I am pleased. That means you could receive a few gifts of pain mixed with pleasure!


  1. Yes, M'am! I very much enjoy this blog. You have such a thorough FLR, I have sometimes been in awe. ("The Rules" -- yikes!) And I look forward to hearing more about your relationship as it evolves. Or as Mr. Beth describes how it has evolved so far. It's all good! Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thank you for the kind words and loyalty Michael. And yes, evolving is the best way to describe our relationship. Since I decided to make Matthew pretty much a househusband (though for now he is allowed to consult), there will be a feeling out process of just far my dominance can overtake him before I turn into a pushover slave and that is not what I want. I will strive for balance in Matt's role as both a submissive husband and partner who can have his own identity...when I allowed it. :)

      Our relationship with also evolve once we began to have a family. Obviously this is something I have given a lot of thought however I am still not certain on exactly how we will raise our children in regards to how much they see of our FLR. Obviously, we will teach our children that Mommy is boss. There is no doubt in that. But beyond that, again it will be a feeling out process along with more learning. For example, I recently meet a woman who has three children, two daughters and a boy. They are being raised in a truly female superior way as the children are being raised to believe women are superior and their roles are defined as such. The girls do not have many housechores and can boss their little brother around whose duties include cleaning their rooms and doing chores they normally do.

      While I find this intriguing, I am not sure it is right for my household. I do not want my sons (if I have any) to feel that inferior at such a young age and more importantly, I wish for them to find submissiveness to women on their own like Matthew did. Obviously, we will teach our son(s) to be beyond respectful when it comes to dealing with women, but I do not want them to feel so submissive that they do not follow their own dreams. I also am concerned with the children particularly the girls being disrespectful towards their father. I know Mary has instructed their children to be respectful of their father even though they know he is submissive in regards to their mother in general but I get the sense the girls do not really respected deep down. I will not tolerate that at all. I want them to respect and honor Matthew the same way they do me though we have different roles.

      Again, it will be a evolving relationship as time goes on and I think about it. Now Michael, a question for you. What is it about the rules of my household that makes you go "yikes"? I wish to know so please feel free to respond in the politeful manner you have so far. However, it is not "Ma'am" that I wish to be addressed. You address me as Miss Beth always unless I tell you otherwise. *smiles*

      *Kisses and Spanks*

    2. Thank you, Miss Beth, for your thoughtful and detailed reply. I am touched that my response moved you to write so much, and to give us a glimpse of your thought process around the future evolution of your family. I wish you the best as you move forward and develop practices that work for you and your family.

      My "yikes" reaction around "The Rules" is both general and specific. The general part is about how long The Rules are, and how all-encompassing. Fifteen paragraphs! You are so thoroughly in charge of Matt's life, and I gulp at the thought.

      And then there are some specifics, some details that really bring it home. He lays out his proposed schedule for his time, and you make corrections as necessary. You decide what he's going to order when you go out to eat. If he's fallen from your favor, he eats on the floor. He documents every purchase, no matter how small. You dictate what clothes he wears, and how he exercises, and what he should weigh. He is not allowed to suggest or ask for sex. Rather, he must always be ready for whatever sexual activity you might initiate. You have complete sexual freedom, and don't have to tell him anything. You have six lovers. You punish him at will--by making him write lines with lipstick (!) or locking him out (how symbolic) in the cold. The list of your kink activities is so very long. I particularly like that Sparring is first--the direct physical expression of your superiority, and his powerlessness in your presence. And that you outsource him to other dominant women, and have him serve at your CFNM events.

      And, finally, I was quite touched by the description of your Power Sessions. I'm picturing a tableau of his vulnerability and your loving care. With, of course, the distinction that while he may speak freely and ask any question, you choose whether to respond or not. I am guessing that these sessions are powerfully motivating for Matt. I know they would be for me.

      Thank you again, Miss Beth, for sharing your lives with us. I am in awe. Of you, and of what you have with Matt. Yikes, as it were.

      Your grateful reader,

    3. Awww poor Michael, you sound intimidated. You should be. Serving a dominate woman is, hehe! I would like to add though that my list of expectations and rules go beyond just excerising my total control and dominance over him. That is a big part of it no doubt but not all of it. Far from it. I will explain a few so it could give you and other readers some more insight and clairify if there needs to be any.

      1. All the rules and expectations I have of Matthew have evolved over the past six years. These weren't set in stone from day one and while I been in control since we been together, I have implicated these rules and expectations over time as I continued to train him to be the type of submissive husband I want. And those rules/expectations will continue to evolve not only as our family changes as you and I previously discussed but also as we grow in our roles.
      2. Matthew's schedule is subject to my rule beyond just control. Rather I also do it so he uses his time management skills to it's maximum (women are better at time management), I don't need to nag him about when/where he is which is a waste of both my time and his, that he doesn't need to be disrespectful if he is out to others by taking a bunch of calls and/or texts from me since I find that so disrespectful (he only needs to check in once by phone or text in case I need something, if a emergency comes up I will contact him) and not only do I want him to have free time, I want it to be just that free since I already approved of it. Matt's free time should be a time for him to relax and enjoy, not worrying if I approve or will get mad of what he is doing and so forth.
      3. Punishments are not just physical and often can be just taking away privileges. And since the rules/expectations are so clearly stated as you pointed out, Matthew cannot claim he didn't know therefore he is never shocked when I lay down the law with him. Plus, Matthew in case you haven't figure out is beyond a wonderful submissive husband so he does not get punished with me too often and when he does it's only for minor infractions. Very rarely he do something that I can find to be a major infraction where I need to give out truly severe punishments or even more cruelly, drop his status to bad where punishments/lost privileges can last several days or even a few weeks. The last time he was on bad standing was due to an incident on Holloween night this year and therefore led to a week of bad standing. And I know he hopes to stay off of it for a long time because like he wrote in the rules, I give out punishments for behavior I deem unacceptable to correct it, no pleasure should be taken from it on any level.
      4. I do not consider myself to have six lovers. Instead, I only have two. My husband who is my soul mate and Di. The others you mentioned I consider to be just friends with benefits especially I see them only a few times a year. Besides what makes you expect that I only have sex with six people when I have total sexual freedom as you put it? *evil smile* But get before your submissive perverted mind runs too wild, I am picky about who I sleep with so it's nothing to get overly excited about.
      5. I also control Matthew's manhood to make sure he is at his peak whenever we are sexually together. I have lock him up in a chasity belt before and will again when I thought it was needed but that's just to make sure he doesn't again give into temptation since you submissive boys are really like monkeys when it comes to your dicks! I want they man juice saved for when I want it spilled. And I think Matt would agree that his sexual life would blow away pretty much any man's even though I completely control his cock.

    4. 6. There is only a few and extremely select group of women I ever loan Matt out too. And any activity or use of him must be approved by me beforehand or my strict supervision. Only one woman is he loan out too without me approving or supervising his activities and as a reader, I think you know who that is.
      7. Why do you think the list of kink activity is so long considering I was a professional dominatrix in college who did it out of loving the feeling of beating and overpowering men? And for the record, Matt's list is incomplete.
      8. I do not consider my physical dominance to be most important but rather they all equally important. But it was astute of you to see that Matt listed sparring first since my ability to beat the shit out of him whenever/wherever I want is something that seperates our FLR from others. Like Matt has told me many times and wrote on here, he does live in a bit of fear of me. And yes, holy fuck is that a turn on to have that much power over a man, LOL!
      9. Not only our power sessions a great motivation for Matthew but me as well. As you can tell by now, I do want to be a bimbo princess who eats chocolate all day and have her man role over for her all the time and rub her feet. I like to be pushed as a dominate woman so I can grow and be a better one not just for myself but Matt as well since he deserves it. Plus not only our "Power Sessions" hot but also beautiful as well.
      10. And this goes for all you sissy boys, you refer to my husband as Mr. Beth. I call him by his real name, understand?? Luckily I did not post this earlier so no punishment for you any of you, yet!

      I hope that help clairfy a few things Michael and gave you a bit clearer understanding. I look forward to hearing your follow-up.

      *Kisses and Spanks*

    5. Miss Beth,

      I thank you again for your detailed and thoughtful response. I am truly touched that you are moved to make these long responses to my posts. As I read what you wrote I imagine that you are speaking directly to me, and I pay close attention, so as to learn as much as I can. And reading what you have written to me is quite enjoyable, too. I get aroused reading your words, Miss Beth. (I hope that’s not TMI.)

      I am sorry that I described your friends with benefits as “lovers”, Miss Beth. That word implies a deeper connection, and it was presumptuous of me to use it. I hope I have not offended you, Miss Beth. Please understand that my high regard for you does not depend on the exact nature of your intimate relations with others. I was noting, in my clumsy way, the very large distinction between your complete sexual freedom and Matt’s complete devotion to you. This is just one example of how you awe me, Miss Beth.

      With all due respect, Miss Beth, I referred to your list of kink activities as “long” because that’s how it struck me. There are over 40 different activities! I enjoy kink quite a lot, but I’m sure my list, if I were to draw it up, would be a good deal shorter. So again, I was writing from my own limited viewpoint. And now you tell me his list is incomplete. Yikes!

      I am very glad to know that your Power Sessions are highly satisfying for both of you. This was, actually, the most touching section in The Rules. Under all the regimen and control, there is a well of love that you return to again and again to nourish your relationship.

      Thank you again for sharing, Miss Beth. I am truly touched. And yes, I am intimidated by the thought of living under such complete control. I am very impressed by Matt, as well, that he thrives under your domination. Of course, he has you to motivate him. Bless you both.

      P.S. I just love your closing, “*Kisses and Spanks*”. Thank you, Miss Beth!

  2. There were some items that you started with the expectation of further follow-on postings. An example is the first date. The followups were apparently interrupted by the illness. It would be nice to see them when you have time.

    It would also be interesting to see more details of how Miss Beth established her control and how the rules were initiated. In the terminology of aboutflr.com your relationship is about what is expected for a "beyond Level 4" with Miss Beth in dictatorial control of all five "food groups" (money, life direction, household chores, free time, and sex).

    1. Thanks for responding. Yes, my illness put a significant damper on some posts I was going to get on and eventually I will. Life did also get really busy for us at the end of the summer/early fall however things are returning to normal.

      I plan on writing how Miss Beth establish Her control and how rules were put in place as time goes however I can tell you that it's safe to say that My Wife establish control even before we began to date and expectations/rules began to be initiated the day after I submitted to Her which again; was our 5th date. :)

  3. I have been reading every post and promise to comment in the future. Great blog.


    1. Thanks leigh! I am working on the next long post and it should be up next week. The week should be lighter for me due to the holiday.

  4. I came upon your blog very recently (you follow Ms. Lisa's Diary) and can relate to Mr. Beth's story. I appreciate the courage it must take for Mr. B. to reveal such intimate details about his relationship. I hope his illness is not serious. Also, it is refreshing to read Miss Beth's comments.

    1. Thanks Dave! And you are corrrect, I do follow Mistress Lisa's Diary and I highly recommend that anyone who doesn't to do so as well. She is fabulous!

      And I appreciate your concern over my illness but it was not anything too serious. Originally I was diganosed with mono but it was more like a viral infection that just took forever to get over. That along with just getting in busy including us almost buying a new house (My Wife ultimately decided against it) made time very short.

      Hopefully that won't happen again, LOL! Thank you again for commenting and concern. I hope you will continue to give your thoughts and ask any questions you wish!

      Mr. Beth
